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Seat Cushion for the Tall Aviator

I built my Sportsman via the Two-weeks-to-taxi program in November, 2018. The seat cushions that come with the TWTT Sportsman are fine for most...

GlaStar Taildragger Trailer

I took a Zieman's two SeaDo trailer and modified it to carry the GlaStar - it was very easy to do and only took...

Modifying 180 HP Lower Cowl to Clear 200 HP Engine

Initial installation of the 200hp engine (slightly wider than 180 hp) in my Glasair-II resulted in contact between the heads of the two forward...

Water Level Using PVC Pipe

Submitted by Bob Buckihal Here's an idea that you might pass along to others. For $20 at the local hardware store, I was able to...


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