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Matt Freeman’ s GlaStar Accident in Alaska

I spoke with Matt Freeman this morning--he and his daughter are fine. Matt has a GlaStar taildragger with large, 26" tundra tires and likes...

Engine Oil Analysis

When I purchased my GlaStar in February 2013 I had arranged over the phone for a pre-purchase inspection, then upon satisfactory findings, I flew...

Cheap Paint Booth Lessons

We got to the point on our other project—a TEAM Airbike— where we were ready to shoot it. We're using the Polyfiber (Stilts) system....

Cake Frosting Applicator for Applying Resin/Mill Fiber Mix Warning

I recently heard a great suggestion for applying the resin/mill fiber mixture to the rib and spar tops of wings, stabilizers, rudders, etc. The...

Can an Aircraft Be Too Safe?

Can you imagine that? I was hit with this question after I returned from Oshkosh. And that question was from an underwriter no less. Pilots,...


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