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Wiring the Wings

Our Sportsman wings had been built in the CAC so the wiring was already in place, tied up in a huge coil. Before attaching the...

GlaStar Baggage Door Installation Tip

The pull rivets end up so close to the door seal flange that the only pull rivet tool I have found to work resides...

Glasair RG Service Alert: Hydraulic Actuator Washer

The Glasair Technical Support Desk was recently contacted by the builder of a flying Glasair II who had a hydraulic fluid leak around the...

Picking Up/Unloading Your Kit

Use of boat trailer for crate pickup: Living approximately 70 miles from the closest Consolidated Freight yard, the cost of a rental truck or...

Can an Aircraft Be Too Safe?

Can you imagine that? I was hit with this question after I returned from Oshkosh. And that question was from an underwriter no less. Pilots,...


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