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Making Your Own Ribs

Making ribs is a simple process not requiring more than what is found in a standard wood shop. You will need a oak form...

Shimmy Fix for Nose-Heavy GlaStars

Nose wheel shimmy can be a very destructive and difficult-to-diagnose problem in aircraft with free castering nose wheels. Here's a simple solution to this...

Fiberglass Parts Warping in Hot Storage

Glenn Culver sent this tip. I've had a problem with warped GlaStar doors after storing them in a hot location. If I were to do it...

Partially Collapsed Retractable Gear

I had an unfortunate incident in preparation for the first flight. While conducting a high speed taxi test, my nose wheel started to shimmy...


Made it back from Memphis, TN today. Nice stretch of N19HL legs. We added two more states to our list (Tennessee, and Arkansas), and got...


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