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GlaStar Firewall Template Tip

I started out by using the supplied template to cut out a cardboard firewall. It did not come close to fitting. I started all...

Sportsman Cleared for Flight Testing with UL Power 520i Firewall-Forward

The UL Power 520i engine is much lighter than the typical Lycoming installation. I moved the engine six inches forward and was still worried...

Windshield Installation “Bush Fix” When Clecos Run Out

At one point during the installation of our windshield it became clear that we needed an additional wingnut cleco - the windshield simply wasn't conforming to the shape of the fuselage joggle as well as expected. We had exhausted our supply of wingnut clecos, so what were we to do?

Doing Business with the Glasair III

"You try to do too many things when we go someplace," is a comment I'll sometimes hear from my wife, Bonita. And I guess...


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