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Common Questions and Answers About the GlaStar

Q. Why metal wings from a company with so much experience with composites? A. The design objective's drove this decision, primarily the low-cost objective, composite's...

Installing the Navaid AP-1 Wing Leveler in the GlaStar

Submitted by Al Sibley, GlaStar I have finally arrived at what I consider an acceptable design for the installation of the Navaid AP-1 wing leveler servo...

Glasair Wing Rotation Jig

This tip was submitted by Jerry Shilt. The picture is of some jigs I made to rotate the wing by myself and as you can...

Magnetic Engine Protection

I went through some expensive engine difficulties after having rebuilt an IO-360 engine for my Sportsman. The lifters and camshaft lobes showed signs of...

Doing Business with the Glasair III

"You try to do too many things when we go someplace," is a comment I'll sometimes hear from my wife, Bonita. And I guess...


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